Its just everyday life as we know it........

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Motherhood means........

Motherhood means....... you pee when you sneeze (apparently)......
Motherhood means......saggy boobs and stretch marks.

Motherhood means.......sleepless nights, 5 minute showers and cold dinners.
Motherhood in your hair and snot on your clothes. 
Motherhood can hang your boobs out in public...... for the purpose of feeding of course...but just be sure to pop them away again before you answer the door ooops made that couriers day...
Motherhood means........dirty nappies and vomit......soooooo much vomit.
Motherhood means........ALWAYS having to say your sorry.....

Sorry my kid threw up on your shoes.....Sorry my kid ran up your heels with the trolley......Sorry my kid peed on your dog and in your pool ......Sorry my kid drew on your walls.....Sorry my kid broke your window.....Sorry my kid painted your cat........Sorry my kid hit your kid (even though he deserved it)......Sorry my kid picked your prize winning roses for me for mothers day (they truly are beautiful by the way)........

Motherhood means......learning new skills, (some come with the job package).......super fast can catch a kid falling without spilling a drop of your cold coffee.  Cry learn to distinguish between your kids cries and the kid down the street (probably the same kid that your kid just whacked), you know if its a feed me woman cry, I am bored, I am wet or the wow have I got something in my nappy for you cry......or the Iam just tired and need a mummy cuddle cry.  You develop radar ears for listening in on plans and schemes for the mass destruction of the house, themselves or the bank balance.  You can vaccuum the floor, cook dinner, put washing on all with a baby on your hip, you can do anything and everything with a baby on your hip
Motherhood means.......perfecting the art of compromise.

Motherhoods means......never having an empty laundry.
Motherhood means......always having something to this one here, pick that one up from there.   Feed this one, bath that one, clean up after all of them.  De-lice that one, and that one and maybe even that one, comfort this one, scold that one...clean up after all of them...again.
Motherhood means.......never having time to yourself,  having to go to the toilet under the watchful eyes of a toddler........also note toilet door should be closed at all times or said toddler will play in, drink, and put all sorts of important things in there.

Motherhood are the first thing your child ever sees when it opens its eyes on the day it is born.

Motherhood are the most important person in someones life...for at least the first 15 or so years.

Motherhood means.......dribbly kisses, chubby little hands to hold, giggles and tickles and funny stories to be told
Motherhood means......macaroni necklaces painted with glitter, handprints in plaster made with love, painted pictures and drawings each one more precious than the last.  Milestones and memories forever to be yours.

Motherhood concerts...little eyes eagerly searching for you in the crowd, nervous little waves goodbye on the first day of school,  tears and fears that only you can ease.

Motherhood means......worrying about if they are happy or sad, do they have lots of friends, are they being good or bad.

Motherhood means.......Christmas is a time of wonder again.

Motherhood means.....easter bonnets and hot glue blisters,  birthday cakes and baking disasters.

Motherhood means.......always having someone to love who loves you back.

Motherhood means......having somewhere to live when you are old and grey and most  definately peeing your pants and probably not only when you sneeze.

Motherhood is the greatest job in the world.........................

What does Motherhood mean to you??????????

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