Anyhoo......what did we get up to this weekend..... well Hubby and the boys are on a "Dash for Cash" and have picked up a job that they are trying to get done before Christmas for some extra holiday money, so it has been 4 am starts for the last few days...including Sunday which I am sure is against some religious law has to be. But me being the good little wifey and having a damn conscience (that I am working hard on destroying, bloody thing)...I am getting up with him, since he is out there doing it for us so we can have a nice christmas, blah blah blah, I am ensuring he has a healthy lunch and lots of water yadda yadda yadda.....not that I mind of course........I am up again this morning when all I wanted to do was pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. I go to make coffee and put a scoop of formula in my cup instead of coffee....hubby takes that as a cue I think and decides to get "Tuckshop" today hehehehe but I decide to go have a coffee with him as I am already up, we go outside to sit and enjoy the early morn sun is shining, birds are chirping it is a beautiful day.....that was until a moth obviously on his L Plates or on a suicide mission decides to slam into my face, a wet squishy moth.... balls and all in my face and to add insult to injury he then proceeded to plop into my coffee.......noice!!! So lets go make a coffee for the third time this morning. Is this a sign of things to come..........stay tuned.
Jemma got for her birthday an activity box full of goodies like pipe cleaners and pom poms etc etc arty farty stuff to tap into her creative side, of course she decided to whinge and whine about the fact she didnt know what to make out of a box FULL of stuff. Mind you she has no problem getting creative with my magazines that I havent even read yet ripping out pages and cutting holes in everything, my celebrity section was missing bits everywhere and read like Tom Cruise is having Brad Pitts baby and Celine Dion is doing another Die Hard movie.......Celine Dion or not we really DONT need another Die Hard movie. So we look up "Fun things to do with Pipe Cleaners" on You Tube..........I really need to activate that Adult content filter on the computer.....Whoah get a life people OMG.......I didnt know you could do "that" with "that".......anyway we find these gorgeous little mozzie things, they looked more like body-less mice to me but hey lets give that a go, so we thread beads and bend and coerce the pipe for the gluing part and I really should have learnt from many years of hot glue gun experiences that this isnt going to end well it NEVER does, I heat up the hot glue gun which has only one stick of glue left, so I put a paintbrush stick in the end to push the glue out grab hold of the pom pom as it is far too dangerous for Jemma to do "No honey mummy has to do this bit cause it is very very hot and you might burn yourself" after much trigger pulling we finally get a drop of hot glue out onto the pom pom push it onto the pipe cleaner small amount of hot glue seapage onto bare skin..... memory trigger of tiny little easter chickens being hot glued onto my fingers come rushing back and I remember that is could be a potentionally painful experience if great care is not taken, now what happens next is a mystery even to me, I dont know whether I was just tired or just plain stupid, but I grap a little itty bitty googly eye and I put it on the end of my finger I pick up the hot glue gun, which by this stage has warmed up quite nicely and I I push the paintbrush stick in just a bit, that did the trick....plop.....I have a 5 cent peice size dob of hot glue on the end of my finger, I quickly stick the itty bitty hot glue soaked googly eye onto the pompom which of course proceeds to stick to my finger and I now have a one eyed, body-less pipe cleaner mouse/mozzie melted to my index finger..........Jemma looks at me and says "Are you OK Mummy??? Maybe I should do it" mmmmmm maybe you should.
Little Miss Chicken Head has been having "movement" issues for quite a while now and despite all of my efforts good and was I to know Bananas caused things to back up and cheese wow who'd a thunk it.... but to be truthful I was giving her Cheese Sticks and I really doubt there is any actual Cheese in those things. I have been trying everything Auntie Sharrons belly massage seems to work a treat, I have been feeding her grapes and pear juice plus the Parrafin Oil to help things along, I even tried to give her Brussel Sprouts which are a big fave seriously everyone except Adam loves them..... I put them in front of her and when I came back there was only a couple left on the tray I thought wow thats great until I realised she was actually shoving them down the front of her nappy which is where I wanted them to end up but that wasnt the way I intended them to get there.....sigh ok so she doesnt like them, Jemma decides to help me out and says "Eat your little cabbages chicken wiiing" to which Laicee then proceeded to throw the remaining ones at Jemmas head...she is an awesome shot got her right between the eyes. By Sunday morning it was obvious she needed to go but apparently according to the kiddie doc at the hospital she is holding it in due to it causing her pain......long story....anyway after doing everything I decided it was time for a little help so I prepared to give her an infant suppository they literally look like little sucked on jelly beans and are soft and floppy.........ok bub think warm thoughts its for your own good. Just waiting now for it to work its hour or so a later I hear straining and grunting etc I think yayyyy finally some relief for her go to change her nappy to find the smartybum (literally) had just pushed the jelly bean out........ ok kid your own your own.........nature finally took its course a little later that day thank goodness....hopefully she will grow out of all this soon.
So Adam goes to his friends house on Saturday night he hasnt stayed at this boys house before so I do the right thing and go and introduce myself to his mum, also to make sure I wasnt leaving my child with some crazed crack head all good no line marks seems very respectable, confidently leave him there. He rings me Sunday morning to tell me he is getting a ride home so dont worry about picking him up cooooool I can hang in my PJs and even though I recently bought the most beautiful Intimo bras (Thanks Aunty Neesie) my girls like to "hang" free" hang" being the operative word......oh back off I am 40ish with 4 kids EVERYTHING has moved south. Anyway there is a knock at the door and there is Adam with his mate AND the mates mother they want to come in and see the dog (We have a British Bulldog and apparently that is unusual) the house is a tip, I am a wreck my hair is a mess, yesterdays make up now lying black and lifeless under my eyes......and then there is the matter of the "girls" it would be too obvious to make a dash for the bedroom and the Intimo saviour, so I try to look nonchalant leaning against the wall with my arms crossed, ended up squishing leftie in the process, thank god Laicee crawled up at that moment I grabbed that baby and held her to my chest, she was to me like a life jacket to the Titanic passengers, she of course, damn taitor decided she wanted to get down, not on your Nelly kid. Thankfully they didnt stay long, needless to say I doubt that boy will be allowed to stay here anytime soon, she probably was doing her own crazed crackhead check and decided not to chance it......
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