Its just everyday life as we know it........

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just randomness for Jaala

Have you ever wondered where flies go at night???  Is it the same place mozzies go during the day??? Do they have like a time clock where they clock in and out????  

This is just one of the many many random thoughts that plague me........I mean who cares seriously.  I think it is a genetic thing my family is completely random I think sometimes our friends just keep us around for the entertainment certainly isnt for our money lol

Has anyone really looked at a Plover lately?? You know those really nasty birds that will chase you if you get too close to them, we have a pair that hang out in our backyard just staring at us watching waiting for I am not sure what, they give my husband the absolute creeps personally I think they look like Ringo Starr I can actually imagine them talking with a British accent telling us to "Sod Off".

I love it when you are walking along and you trip up on your own feet (Another family trait....clumsiness) but you look down and kick the ground at some imaginary stick or rock to get it out the way so some other poor soul doesnt trip on it.

I love it when you go to get the baby up from her nap and get hit in the face by a shit bat as soon as you open the door wow how can something so small smell soooooo bad. For those of you that dont know a "Shit Bat" is that smell that smacks you in the face when you walk in to the toilet after someone has "been" eeeewwwwwwwwww. 

Did you know that sultanas "come out" the other end looking like grapes so that is proof I guess that they once were actual grapes.  

I have been wondering why I have been having so much bad luck lately, well there was that mirror carrying chinaman with the black cat in his bag that I hit the other day.....jokes jokes no cats were harmed.  But seriously I am pretty sure I have been a good person so Kharma shouldnt have a beef with me but then I remembered when Tahli was about 9 months old she pulled a full length mirror down on herself completely shattering it so maybe it is a mix of the fact that it was a full length mirror so you get 10 years bad luck instead of the standard 7, the fact that I wasnt paying attention (see I have been after that Mother of the Year Award for years) maybe I get an extra 5 years for bad mothering or something....whatever it is I figure that I should be up for some good luck pretty soon huh.

My luck seems to go something like this;

My car will run out of petrol the day before payday.
My daughter will tell me she has a costume parade the next day at school when she is going to bed that night.
My toddler loves Teletubbies.......groan.
My toddler has decided that she can feed herself the same time she has decided she hates the highchair.......double groan.
The missing red sock turns up in the white load of washing.
The mother in law...code name: Viper....always turns up on a no housework being done day.
I will run into someone I know on a quick bread and milk dash to the shop on a bad hair no make up day..
The hairdresser will find head lice in my hair on the busiest day of the year at the salon.
I get my dream job then find out I am pregnant.

I seriously could go on and on and on......but I am also very lucky as well I have 4 healthy happy kids that I have managed not to seriously harm well not physically anyway well ok sometimes physically but not intentionally and nothing long term.....I am sure the therapists of the future will know all about me.....It will go something like...."well it all started when my mother........dropped me down the stairs,   lost me in the shopping centre, smacked my face into the coffee table while giving me a horsey ride,   accidently stood me in a bullants nest then dipped me in a freezing esky after said bullants bit me 200 times,  got the time wrong and forgot to pick me up after school camp, sat me on the waters edge as a freak mini tsunami came in......the therapist will smile sympathically while secretly thinking "Cha-ching this ones gonna need months maybe even years of work"


1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I don't have an answer to any of your questions........
    but I will take all of your black jelly beans. (they're my favorite!)
