Have you ever sold anything on ebay???? It is a wonderful source for getting rid of all the crap sort of like a online garage sale really. BUT I think it is also a hang out for all the weirdos we have recently had a clean out and sold some stuff on there which is really handy but people just ask the stupidest questions. No I dont want to swap it for a boat, a goat or your mother in law. Yes it will play on your PSP it is a PSP game, No the shoes are a size 7 I dont have them in a size 8 or 10 what am I a shoe shop arrrrrg but it all ended well now to just wait for the payments and head to the post office.....mmmm maybe I could of used a goat after all.
They say that all of Gods creatures are here for a reason and each and every one has a purpose........Well I personally disagree, I want to know just what the purpose or the reason for my number one enemy........HEADLICE. We have recently had an extremely hardy family of the little critters. They hitch a ride home from school with Jemma and poor Jemma but everyone is always a little suss about what might be lurking in her hair and we all tend to hug her with our heads away from hers BUT the cunning little beggars are on to this and have jumped onto Little Miss Winkie Face Laicee and she is off the scale in the cutesy factor and gets more cuddles than anyone else in the house plus the standard treatment doesnt apply to her NO headlice treatment for the baby so they have a chance to take over the house and they have. I have deliced Laicee at least 3 times but I am still finding the little @#$% I have combed and combed and combed she is becoming a little pissed by this which is making the process even harder. Every member even Daddy has been affected much to his absolute shock and horror when I told him just to be on the safe side he should run the comb through his hair and he found a crawly I swear it was like he found dog poo in there, for all his mocking and laughing at everyone else in their lovely green plastic hats sitting with stinking nit treatments in our hair......kharma is such a bitch huh hehehehe. Knock on wood I think this round has been won though no little creatures have been detected for a few days. I do feel a little obsessive about it though the kid can not come near me without me checking and picking bits out of her like some monkey at the zoo lol. I cant let my guard down though they are sneaky like ninja and are just waiting for an opportunity to strike again....I bet you are scratching right now you are arent you.
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