Its just everyday life as we know it........

Friday, December 24, 2010

T'was the night before Christmas

Wow Christmas Eve already, this year has gone so fast Christmas has kinda snuck up on me this year.  I guess the same goes for the 10 million people that were down at the local shopping centre this week my gosh this season makes eveyone crazy, some old man wanted to go toe to toe with me over a parking spot.....he knew I could take him so he backed away gracefully...yeah thats right old man keep walking.......I had to go to Woolworths this morning to get all the food for the freeloaders oops sorry family that are coming for Christmas lunch tomorrow,  I truly believe that these people think that the world is coming to an end and we have to grab all the food we can to survive....OMG the shops are not going to be open for 1 whole day, stock up people!!!!  the place was true madness, I am sure the woman that wanted the last plum pud that I picked up thought about fighting me for it ......But the food is crammed in the fridge, the beer and wine is on ice, presents are wrapped I am just waiting for the one child that still believes in Santa to go to sleep so we can do the stockings, we dont want a repeat of the year that santa had too much xmas cheer and stupidly left all the presents under mummy's bed....ooopsI do love Christmas even though hours of blood sweat tears and the threat of taking an old man beating is undone in a millisecond in a fenzy of christmas unwrapping.  We have cleaned the house and everyone is ready for the day tomorrow, Jemmas little uninvited visitors have been well and truly disposed of....she either had a head full of little christmas elves or it was head lice,  on Christmas Eve no less.....How rude!!!  Hubby has enough ham to feed a small African village for a month but we are looking forward to a lovely day tomorrow with family and friends......I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas and the fat man leaves you something good.   Enjoy being with the ones you love, tolerate the ones you dont, its only one day suck it up and be niceLots of love to all xxxxx

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